June 21, 2013


Until The Ribbon Breaks first shattered our senses with debut single “Pressure” earlier this year, and now he’s back with another backbreaking showstopper in the form of future hit, “2025”. With a stark cinematic intro like the beginnings of an epic war, UTRB’s crusade for truth and pop glory affords him a flowing cape and grim weaponized beats. All soul-soothing vocals and warped electronics, its arrival is accompanied by yet another homemade video for the ages, as The Ribbon further establishes himself as one of the most exciting new acts to emerge this year.

[ngrpostplayer title=”2025 – UNTIL THE RIBBON BREAKS” link=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/93223200/stream” download=”https://soundcloud.com/untiltheribbonbreaks/2025-2″]

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